Unify the ethical criteria and corresponding actions of all those who collaborate in Ragasa, as well as the different interest groups with whom we maintain business and institutional relations in Ragasa.
Inform and share the principles that apply to any person, company or institution interested in establishing any future relationship with Ragasa.
Disclose the consequences for those who do not assume as their own the guidelines outlined in this document and agreed to respect.

Our purpose is to serve them and serve them because they are the raison d’être of the company, guaranteeing the permanence of the business. We seek your well-being as well as that of Ragasa to achieve a healthy and lasting business relationship based on integrity and compliance.
Our commitment is to make and maintain negotiations honest and based on criteria of fair competition, without providing undue advantages that favor in the negotiation to some over others.
We do not receive, offer, promise, or provide improper gifts that compromise Ragasa’s decision-making or affect its organizational or business interests.
We are determined to compete based on the quality of products, services and commercial strategies. We gain the preference in the market with the duty to be, by providing the best quality in relation to the needs of customers.
Our collaborator Ragasa is part of the strategic capital of the organization and as a valuable and worthy person, deserves a congruent and respectful treatment.
We will take care of all the assets entrusted to us in the performance of our functions, which implies the responsibility of keeping them in good condition. The austerity is a discipline in Ragasa because we are convinced that the efficient use of resources allocated, brings benefits to our business and personal life.
We will refrain from investing in any negotiation with customers, suppliers or service providers, which may involve an evasion of liability or undue benefit to our personal interests, family, or those of a third party with whom we have a relationship or some other type of interest.
Our commitment is to make good use of the information so it must be objectively generated, as well as managed and protected in a responsible manner, avoiding any disclosure or improper filtration.
We are responsible for taking care of our own safety, that of our colleagues and our personnel, as well as the facilities, the community and the environment.
We respect and comply with the laws and regulations in force, applicable to the exercise of our functions. We assume our social and environmental responsibility in order to harmonize the Ragasa business with nature.
We must respect and follow our code of ethics as a model of personal conduct and the way of being of the organization.